Created by veteran comedian, Lisa Sundstedt in 1995, Pretty, Funny Women is the longest running all female stand up show in the world. PFW currently plays at the La Jolla Comedy Store every last Wednesday of the month and features a totally different line up of hysterical women each show. PFW is hosted by Lisa Sundstedt and always closes with a seasoned headliner while also featuring the hottest up and coming comics from around the country. Some of the comics who have performed on past PFW shows are Chelsea Handler, Tig Notaro, Maria Bamford, Sherri Shepherd, Natasha Leggero, Vicki Barbolak and Retta. You never know who you will see on any given night but the show is guaranteed to deliver top notch comics and lots of laughs. See you there!
Host: Elyssa Phillips
Headliner: Amy Ashton
Performances: Kim Jones, Cat Ce, Billie Lee, Bella Tovar, Sammy Weiser, Sapna Iyer, Lisa Sundstedt, Millie El-Taeb, Lauren Thomas
$25 - Presale - $30 Door - 2 drink minimum
Get your tickets here!