Pretty, Funny Women (PFW) began in 1995 as the first ever all-female comedy show featuring the hottest up-and-coming female comics in Los Angeles. It was created by Lisa Sundstedt, AKA the Madame of Comedy, and is now the longest running all female comedy show in the world. Lisa produced the "Pretty, Funny Women Show" at the Hollywood Improv for more than ten years, and now clubs all over Los Angeles have been home to PWF shows. Some of the regular performers on Lisas shows included; Sheri Shepherd, Chelsea Handler, Tig Notaro, Retta, Natasha Leggero, Maria Bamford, Sarah Tiana, Vicki Barbalak, and Heather McDonald. After presenting Pretty, Funny Women Zoom Virtual Showcases during lockdown, Lisa is excited to bring Pretty, Funny Women LIVE! back to Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank.
Host: Lydia Robinson
The Line-Up: Keila Dolle, Colleen Claes, Cheryl Boyer, Jesse Zand, Amanda Nettboy, Kelsey Lane, Sandra Robbie, Emily Walters, Johanna Lee, Rebecca Buckley, Morgan Clarkson, Lisa Sundstedt & Emma Grace Melson.
Get your tickets here! $25 Door / 2 Drink Minimum
Discount Ticket Link (expires 24 hours before showtime)